Praticar o Inglês com Imagens de sequências é uma das formas mais divertidas para as crianças se iniciarem no inglês, praticarem ou mesmo evoluírem os conhecimentos já adquiridos.

A forma mais simples de as usar será recortar as imagens e pedir às crianças que associem o texto com as imagens.

Pode fazer o download das imagens clicando uma a uma ou, se preferir, baixar o arquivo ZIP, no final do post, com todas as imagens.

Podem usar as imagens para jogar de duas maneiras:

  1. Mais fácil será pegar em sequências de apenas 3 imagens e os respetivos textos  e pedir às crianças que associem o texto à imagem.
  2. Mais difícil será juntar todas as imagens como se de um baralho de cartas de tratasse e pedir às crianças que façam todas as associações de texto às imagens.

Imagens para Praticar o Inglês

The children sack three large snowballs.
The children use a carrot and stones to make the snowman`s face.
They are happy when the snowman is finished.

The boy has very long hair.
He gets a haircut.
Now his hair is short.

The girl has a kite.
She runs with the kite.
The kite flies high in the air.

The mother frog lays eggs.
Tadpoles hatch from the eggs.
The tadpoles become frogs.

The boy has yellow and blue paint.
He mixes the blue paint with the yellow paint.
Now the boy has green paint.

The dog is dirty.
The dog gets a bath.
Now the dog is clean.

The car is going up the hill.
The car reaches the top of the hill.
Now the car is going down the hill.

The plate is full of food.
The man eats the food.
The food is gone.

A baby boy is born.
The baby grows into a young boy.
The young boy grows into a man.

Pode fazer o download de todas as imagens no link abaixo:

Intruçõoes do jogo ( em inglês )

Game Play
1. Shuffle the deck and deal seven cards to each player. Turn the top card over from the draw pile to start a discard pile.

2. The player to the dealer`s left starts the game.

3. At the beginning of each turn, you may pick a card from the draw pile, pick the top card from the discard pile, or pick up several cards in a row from the discard pile. If several cards in a row are picked up, you must be able to lay down the last card picked up in a sequence during that turn.

4. To score points, lay down sequences in the correc order, describe the sequence to the other players, and discard one card to the discard pile.

5. You must discard on every turn except when you “go out”. To go out you must lay down a sequence and lay your last card on the discard pile.

6. Once a player has gone out, all players, score their hands to see who has the most points.

Scoring: Count 10 points for each sequence you made. Each card left in your hand once another player has gone out equals one point that must be subtracted from your sequence points.

The person with the most points wins the game!

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